Basic DC TheoryDC SOURCESDC SOURCESWhen most people think of DC, they usually think of batteries. In addition tobatteries, however, there are other devices that produce DC which are frequentlyused in modern technology.1.1 LIST the four ways to produce a DC voltage.1.2 STATE the purpose of a rectifier.1.3 DESCRIBE the outputs of the following circuits:a. Half-wave bridge rectifierb. Full-wave bridge rectifierBatteriesA battery consists of two or more chemical cells connected in series. The combination ofmaterials within a battery is used for the purpose of converting chemical energy into electricalenergy. To understand how a battery works, we must first discuss the chemical cell.The chemical cell is composed of two electrodes made of different types of metal or metalliccompounds which are immersed in an electrolyte solution. The chemical actions which resultare complicated, and they vary with the type of material used in cell construction. Someknowledge of the basic action of a simple cell will be helpful in understanding the operation ofa chemical cell in general.In the cell, electrolyte ionizes to produce positive and negative ions (Figure 1, Part A).Simultaneously, chemical action causes the atoms within one of the electrodes to ionize.Rev. 0 Page 1 ES-02
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