HEAT GENERATIONHeat TransferMaximumLocalLinearPowerDensityThe maximum local linear power density when compared to the average linear power densityresults in the definition of the nuclear heat flux hot channel factor. The nuclear heat flux hotchannel factor can be looked at as having axial and radial components that are dependent uponthe power densities and, thus, the flux in the radial and axial planes of the core. Once the hotchannel factor is known, the maximum local linear power density anywhere in the core can bedetermined, as demonstrated in the following example.Example:If the nuclear heat flux hot channel factor is 1.83, calculate the maximum local linearpower density in the core for the previous example (the average linear power densityproblem).Solution:Maximum linear power density = HFHCF (Av linear power density)= 1.83 (5.56) kW/ft= 10.18 kW/ftNormally, nuclear facility operatorsFigure 16 Axial Temperature Profileare provided with the above corepower and heat generationdistributions, rather than having tocalculate them. In addition, variousmonitoring systems are alwaysemployed to provide the operator witha means of monitoring coreperformance and the proximity of theexisting operating conditions to coreoperational limitations.TemperatureProfilesAdditional areas of interest are thetemperature profiles found within thecore. A typical axial temperatureprofile along a coolant channel for apressurized water reactor (PWR) isshown in Figure 16. As would beexpected, the temperature of thecoolant will increase throughout the entire length of the channel.HT-02 Page 48 Rev. 0
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