This chapter covers graphing functions and linear equations using
various types of graphing systems.
EO 1.8
STATE the definition of the following terms:
EO 1.9
Given a table of data, PLOT the data points on a
cartesian coordinate graph.
EO 1.10
Given a table of data, PLOT the data points on a
logarithmic coordinate graph.
EO 1.11
Given a table of data, PLOT the data points on the appropriate
graphing system to obtain the specified curve.
EO 1.12
Obtain data from a given graph.
EO 1.13
Given the data, SOLVE for the unknown using a nomograph.
In work with physical systems, the relationship of one physical quantity to another is often of
interest. For example, the power level of a nuclear reactor can be measured at any given time.
However, this power level changes with time and is often monitored. One method of relating
one physical quantity to another is to tabulate measurements. Thus, the power level of a nuclear
reactor at specific times can be recorded in a log book. Although this method does provide
information on the relationship between power level and time, it is a difficult method to use
effectively. In particular, trends or changes are hard to visualize. Graphs often overcome these
disadvantages. For this reason, graphs are widely used.
A graph is a pictorial representation of the relationship between two or more physical quantities.
Graphs are used frequently both to present fundamental data on the behavior of physical systems
and to monitor the operation of such systems. The basic principle of any graph is that distances
are used to represent the magnitudes of numbers. The number line is the simplest type of graph.
All numbers are represented as distances along the line. Positive numbers are located to the right
of zero, and negative numbers are located to the left of zero.
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