Reactor Water ChemistryDOE-HDBK-1015/2-93CHEMISTRY PARAMETERSRev. 0CH-03Page 19Figure 4 pH and Conductivity as a Function of NH Concentration3ConductivityConductivity of reactor facility water is measured to provide an indication of dissolved ionicsubstances in the coolant. Conductivity measurements provide quantitative rather thanqualitative information because it is possible to determine the total conductivity of the ionspresent, but not the specific types of ions present. Because many ions such as iron (Fe),+++chromium (Cr), copper (Cu ) and aluminum (Al) are susceptible to forming oxides and++++++++plating out as scale on heat transfer surfaces, reactor coolant conductivity is normally controlledat a level as low as practicable and consistent with pH. By monitoring conductivity levels inthe reactor facility systems, the operator is able to cross check the chemistry of these systems,thereby achieving a higher confidence level in the parameters measured.Regardless of the operating limits specified for a given reactor facility, operating relationshipscan be established between pH and conductivity levels of the coolant. Figure 4 shows a typicalrelationship of the pH and conductivity of a reactor coolant system using high pH, ammoniumhydroxide chemistry control as a function of the ammonia (NH ) concentration.3
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