PumpsDOE-HDBK-1018/1-93CENTRIFUGAL PUMPSFigure 9 Multi-Stage Centrifugal PumpCentrifugalPumpComponentsCentrifugal pumps vary in design and construction from simple pumps with relatively few partsto extremely complicated pumps with hundreds of individual parts. Some of the most commoncomponents found in centrifugal pumps are wearing rings, stuffing boxes, packing, and lanternrings. These components are shown in Figure 10 and described on the following pages.WearingRingsCentrifugal pumps contain rotating impellers within stationary pump casings. To allowthe impeller to rotate freely within the pump casing, a small clearance is designed to bemaintained between the impeller and the pump casing. To maximize the efficiency of acentrifugal pump, it is necessary to minimize the amount of liquid leaking through thisclearance from the high pressure or discharge side of the pump back to the low pressureor suction side.Rev. 0ME-03Page 7
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