ValvesDOE-HDBK-1018/2-93TYPES OF VALVESAngleValveDesignFigure 11 Angle Globe ValveThe angle body globe valve design, illustratedin Figure 11, is a simple modification of thebasic globe valve. Having ends at rightangles, the diaphragm can be a simple flatplate. Fluid is able to flow through with onlya single 90 turn and discharge downwardmore symmetrically than the discharge froman ordinary globe. A particular advantage ofthe angle body design is that it can functionas both a valve and a piping elbow.For moderate conditions of pressure,temperature, and flow, the angle valve closelyresembles the ordinary globe. The anglevalve's discharge conditions are favorablewith respect to fluid dynamics and erosion.GlobeValveDisksMost globe valves use one of three basic diskdesigns: the ball disk, the composition disk,and the plug disk. BallDiskThe ball disk fits on a tapered, flat-surfaced seat. The ball disk design is used primarilyin relatively low pressure and low temperature systems. It is capable of throttling flow,but is primarily used to stop and start flow.CompositionDiskThe composition disk design uses a hard, nonmetallic insert ring on the disk. The insertring creates a tighter closure. Composition disks are primarily used in steam and hotwater applications. They resist erosion and are sufficiently resilient to close on solidparticles without damaging the valve. Composition disks are replaceable.PlugDiskBecause of its configuration, the plug disk provides better throttling than ball orcomposition designs. Plug disks are available in a variety of specific configurations. Ingeneral, they are all long and tapered.Rev. 0ME-04Page 17
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