Unit SystemsFUNDAMENTAL DIMENSIONSRev. 0Page 7CP-01DensityDensity is a measure of the mass of an object per unit volume; thus, it has units ofmass divided by length cubed such as kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m ) or pounds3per cubic foot (lbs/ft ).315 lbs/5 ft = 3 lbs/ft3 3VelocityVelocity is the change in length per unit time; thus, it has units such as kilometers perhour (km/h) or feet per second (ft/s).AccelerationAcceleration is a measure of the change in velocity or velocity per unit time; thus, ithas units such as centimeters per second per second (cm/s ) or feet per second per2second (ft/s ).2
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