DC CIRCUIT TERMINOLOGYBasic DC TheoryA short circuit is a circuitFigure 15 Short Circuitwhich offers very littleresistance to current flowand can cause dangerouslyhigh current flow through acircuit (Figure 15). Shortcircuits are usually causedby an inadvertent connectionbetween two points in acircuit which offers little orno resistance to current flow.Shorting resistor R in Figure15 will probably cause thefuse to blow.SeriesCircuitA series circuit is a circuit where there is only one path for current flow. In a series circuit(Figure 16), the current will be the same throughout the circuit. This means that the current flowthrough R1 is the same as the current flow through R2 and R3.Figure 16 Series CircuitES-02 Page 20 Rev. 0
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