AC GENERATOR COMPONENTSAC GeneratorsRotorThe rotor of an AC generator is the rotating component of the generator, as shown in Figure 1.The rotor is driven by the generator’s prime mover, which may be a steam turbine, gas turbine,or diesel engine. Depending on the type of generator, this component may be the armature orthe field. The rotor will be the armature if the voltage output is generated there; the rotor willbe the field if the field excitation is applied there.Figure 1 Basic AC GeneratorStatorThe stator of an AC generator is the part that is stationary (refer to Figure 1). Like the rotor,this component may be the armature or the field, depending on the type of generator. The statorwill be the armature if the voltage output is generated there; the stator will be the field if thefield excitation is applied there.ES-10 Page 2 Rev. 0
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