OBJECTIVESThermodynamicsENABLING OBJECTIVES (Cont.)1.16 Given a Mollier diagram and sufficient information to indicate the state of the fluid,DETERMINE any unknown properties for the fluid.1.17 Given a set of steam tables and sufficient information to indicate the state of the fluid,DETERMINE any unknown properties for the fluid.1.18DETERMINE the change in the enthalpy of a fluid as it passes through a systemcomponent, given the state of the fluid at the inlet and outlet of the component and eithersteam tables or a Mollier diagram.1.19STATE the First Law of Thermodynamics.1.20 Using the First Law of Thermodynamics, ANALYZE an open system including allenergy transfer processes crossing the boundaries.1.21 Using the First Law of Thermodynamics, ANALYZE cyclic processes for athermodynamic system.1.22 Given a defined system, PERFORM energy balances on all major components in thesystem.1.23 Given a heat exchanger, PERFORM an energy balance across the two sides of the heatexchanger.1.24IDENTIFY the path(s) on a T-s diagram that represents the thermodynamic processesoccurring in a fluid system.1.25STATE the Second Law of Thermodynamics.1.26 Using the Second Law of Thermodynamics, DETERMINE the maximum possibleefficiency of a system.1.27 Given a thermodynamic system, CONDUCT an analysis using the Second Law ofThermodynamics.1.28 Given a thermodynamic system, DESCRIBE the method used to determine:a. The maximum efficiency of the systemb. The efficiency of the components within the systemHT-01 Page xii Rev. 0
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