THERMODYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES ThermodynamicsTHERMODYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND PROCESSESDefining an appropriate system can greatly simplify a thermodynamic analysis.A thermodynamic system is any three-dimensional region of space that is boundedby one or more surfaces. The bounding surfaces may be real or imaginary andmay be at rest or in motion. The boundary may change its size or shape. Theregion of physical space that lies outside the selected boundaries of the system iscalled the surroundings or the environment.EO 1.10 DESCRIBE the following types of thermodynamicsystems:a. Isolated systemb. Closed systemc. Open systemEO 1.11 DEFINE the following terms concerningthermodynamic systems:a. Thermodynamic surroundingsb. Thermodynamic equilibriumc. Control volumed. Steady-stateEO 1.12 DESCRIBE the following terms concerningthermodynamic processes:a. Thermodynamic processb. Cyclic processc. Reversible processd. Irreversible processe. Adiabatic processf. Isentropic processg. Throttling processh. Polytropic processThermodynamicSystemsandSurroundingsThermodynamics involves the study of various systems. A system in thermodynamics is nothingmore than the collection of matter that is being studied. A system could be the water within oneside of a heat exchanger, the fluid inside a length of pipe, or the entire lubricating oil system fora diesel engine. Determining the boundary to solve a thermodynamic problem for a system willdepend on what information is known about the system and what question is asked about thesystem.HT-01 Page 26 Rev. 0
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