OBJECTIVESFluid FlowENABLING OBJECTIVES (Cont.)1.15DEFINE the term head with respect to its use in fluid flow.1.16EXPLAIN the energy conversions that take place in a fluid system between the velocity,elevation, and pressure heads as flow continues through a piping system.1.17 Given the initial and final conditions of the system, CALCULATE the unknown fluidproperties using the simplified Bernoulli equation.1.18DESCRIBE the restrictions applied to Bernoulli’s equation when presented in its simplestform.1.19EXPLAIN how to extend the Bernoulli equation to more general applications.1.20RELATE Bernoulli’s principle to the operation of a venturi.1.21DEFINE the terms head loss, frictional loss, and minor losses.1.22DETERMINE friction factors for various flow situations using the Moody chart.1.23CALCULATE the head loss in a fluid system due to frictional losses using Darcy’sequation.1.24CALCULATE the equivalent length of pipe that would cause the same head loss as theminor losses that occur in individual components.1.25DEFINE natural circulation and forced circulation.1.26DEFINE thermal driving head.1.27DESCRIBE the conditions necessary for natural circulation to exist.1.28EXPLAIN the relationship between flow rate and temperature difference in naturalcirculation flow.1.29DESCRIBE how the operator can determine whether natural circulation exists in thereactor coolant system and other heat removal systems.1.30DESCRIBE how to enhance natural circulation flow.1.31DEFINE two-phase flow.HT-03 Page viii Rev. 0
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