MAGNETIC CIRCUITSBasic Electrical TheorySummaryThe important information contained in this chapter is summarized below.Magnetic Circuits SummarySimple magnetic circuit magnetic flux (F) is proportional to themagnetomotive force (Fm) and indirectly proportional to the reluctance (R)in a circuit.F (Wb)Fm (At)RAtWbA BH magnetization curve shows how much magnetic flux density (B)results from increasing magnetic flux intensity. The "knee" identifies thepoint where increasing flux intensity (H) results in a minimal increase influx density (B).Hysteresis losses are caused by reversing current direction thousands oftimes in a coil.Faraday’s Law of Induced Voltage depends on the number of turns of a coiland how fast the conductor cuts across the magnetic lines of force or flux.VindNDFDtLenz’s Law states that an induced voltage will have a polarity that willoppose the magnetic field that caused the induced voltage.ES-01 Page 44 Rev. 0
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