METRIC SYSTEM AND POWERS OF TEN Basic Electrical TheoryRules associated with powers of ten are as follows:Rule1: To express numbers larger than 1 as a small number times a power of 10, movethe decimal point to the left as many places as desired. Then multiply the numberobtained by 10 to a power that is equal to the number of places moved.Example: To convert 6,000,000, move the decimal point 6 places to the left(6.000,000), then multiply 6 times 10 raised to a power equal to thenumber of decimal places moved, obtaining 6 x 106.6,000,000 = 6 x 106Rule2: To express numbers less than 1 as a whole number times a power of 10, move thedecimal point to the right as many places as desired. Then multiply the numberobtained by 10 to a negative power that is equal to the number of places moved.Example: To convert 0.004A, move the decimal point 3 places to the right(004.), then multiply 4 by 10 raised to a negative power equal tothe number of decimal places moved, obtaining 4 x 10-3A.0.004A = 4 x 10-3ARule3: To convert a number expressed as a positive power of 10 to a decimal number,move the decimal point to the right as many places as the value of the exponent.Example: To convert 1 x 103W, move the decimal point 3 places to the right(1000.0), then drop the multiple of power of 10, obtaining 1,000.1 x 103 = 1,000WES-01 Page A-6 Rev. 0
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