DC GeneratorsDC GENERATOR CONSTRUCTIONRev. 0 Page 13ES-05Figure 8 Shunt-Wound DC GeneratorDC GENERATOR CONSTRUCTIONA DC generator may be constructed in a variety of ways dependingupon the relationship and location of each of the fields. Each type ofconstruction contains certain advantages. EO 1.10DESCRIBE the differences in construction between ashunt-wound and a series-wound DC generator withrespect to the relationship between the field and thearmature. EO 1.11DESCRIBE the relationship between the shunt and seriesfields for cumulatively-compounded and differentially-compounded DC generators.EO 1.12DESCRIBE the voltage-vs-load current characteristics fora flat-compounded, over-compounded, and under-compounded DC generator.Shunt-WoundDCGeneratorsWhen the field winding of agenerator is connected inparallel with the generatorarmature, the generator iscalled a shunt-woundgenerator (Figure 8).The excitation current in ashunt-wound generator isdependent upon the outputvoltage and the fieldresistance. Normally, fieldexcitation is maintainedbetween 0.5 and 5 percentof the total current output ofthe generator.
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