DC GENERATOR CONSTRUCTIONDC GeneratorsES-05Page 18Rev. 0DC Generator Construction Summary+A shunt-wound DC generator is constructed so that the field winding is in parallelwith the armature winding.+The voltage of a shunt-wound DC generator decreases with an increase in loadcurrent.+A series-wound DC generator is constructed so that the field winding is in serieswith the armature winding.+The voltage of a series-wound DC generator increases sharply with an increase inload.+In a cumulatively-compounded DC generator, the series and shunt fields aid oneanother.+In a differentially-compounded DC generator, the series and shunt fields opposeone another.+The voltage of a flat-compounded DC generator changes less than 5 percent fromno-load to full-load.+The voltage of an over-compounded DC generator gradually rises with anincreasing load.SummaryDC generator construction is summarized below.
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