Basic AC Theory AC GENERATION ANALYSISwheree = induced EMF (volts)Emax= maximum induced EMF (volts)w= angular velocity (radians/sec)t = time to turn through the angle from reference (sec)CurrentCalculationsMaximum induced current is calculated in a similar fashion. Equation (7-12) is a mathematicalrepresentation of the relationship between the maximum induced current and the angular velocity.(7-12)iImax sin(wt)wherei = induced current (amps)Imax= maximum induced current (amps)w= angular velocity (radians/sec)t = time to turn through the angle from reference (sec)FrequencyCalculationsThe frequency of an alternating voltage or current can be related directly to the angular velocityof a rotating coil. The units of angular velocity are radians per second, and 2p radians is a fullrevolution. A radian is an angle that subtends an arc equal to the radius of a circle. One radianequals 57.3 degrees. One cycle of the sine wave is generated when the coil rotates 2p radians.Equation (7-13) is the mathematical relationship between frequency (f) and the angular velocity(w) in an AC circuit.(7-13)w2p fwherew = angular velocity (radians/sec)f = frequency (HZ)Rev. 0 Page 9 ES-07
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