AC GENERATION ANALYSISBasic AC TheoryPhase difference is also used to compare two different currents or a current and a voltage. If thephase difference between two currents, two voltages, or a voltage and a current is zero degrees,they are said to be "in-phase." If the phase difference is an amount other than zero, they are saidto be "out-of-phase."VoltageCalculationsEquation (7-9) is a mathematical representation of the voltage associated with any particularorientation of a coil (inductor).(7-9)eEmax sinqwheree = induced EMFEmax= maximum induced EMFq= angle from reference (degrees or radians)Example 1: What is the induced EMF in a coil producing a maximum EMF of 120 V whenthe angle from reference is 45°?e = Emax sin qe = 120 V (sin 45°)e = 84.84 VThe maximum induced voltage can also be called peak voltage Ep. If (t) is the time in which thecoil turns through the angle (q), then the angular velocity (w) of the coil is equal to q/t and isexpressed in units of radians/sec. Equation (7-10) is the mathematical representation of theangular velocity.(7-10)qwtwherew = angular velocity (radians/sec)t = time to turn through the angle from reference (sec)q = angle from reference (radians)Using substitution laws, a relationship between the voltage induced, the maximum inducedvoltage, and the angular velocity can be expressed. Equation (7-11) is the mathematicalrepresentation of the relationship between the voltage induced, the maximum voltage, and theangular velocity, and is equal to the output of an AC Generator.(7-11)eEmax sin(wt)ES-07 Page 8 Rev. 0
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