Test Instruments & Measuring Devices
Meter movements are summarized below.
Meter Movement Summary
DArsonval - A DC moving coil movement where the moving coil is suspended
between the poles of a permanent magnet restrained by helical springs, and the
measured current flowing through the moving coil produces a torque on the
attached pointer proportional to the current.
Electrodynamometer - The moving coil and attached pointer are suspended
between and connected in series with the two stationary field coils so that the
same current flows through each. A measured current flowing through the three
coils in either direction causes a magnetic repulsion between the field coils and
the moving coil. The magnetic repulsion exerts a force against the spring and
provides a measurement of either DC or AC current.
Moving iron vane - The moving iron vane meter operates on the principle of
magnetic repulsion between like poles. The measured current flows through a
field coil which induces a like magnetic field into a fixed and moving vane
causing the moving vane to deflect a pointer in proportion to the current or
voltage applied to the coil.
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