TRANSFORMER THEORY TransformersNext, we solve for IS.ISNPNSIPIS480600.6 ampsIS4.8 ampsThe student should note from the previous examples that a transformer that "steps-up" voltage,"steps-down" the current proportionally.Three-PhaseTransformerConnectionsSo far, our discussion has dealt with the operation of single-phase transformers. Three-phasetransformer operation is identical except that three single-phase windings are used. Thesewindings may be connected in wye, delta, or any combination of the two.DeltaConnectionIn the delta connection, all three phases are connected in series to form a closed loop (Figure3).Figure 3 Delta ConnectionWyeConnectionIn the wye connection, three common ends of each phase are connected together at a commonterminal (marked "N" for neutral), and the other three ends are connected to a three-phase line(Figure 4).ES-13 Page 8 Rev. 0
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