Level DetectorsLEVEL DETECTION CIRCUITRYSummaryThe density of the fluid, ambient temperature changes, and humidity are three factors which canaffect the accuracy and reliability of level detection instrumentation. Level detection circuitoperation is summarized below.Circuit Operation SummaryThere are three major reasons for utilizing remote level indication:- Level measurements may be taken at locations far from the main facility.- The level to be controlled may be a long distance from the point ofcontrol.- The level being measured may be in an unsafe/radioactive area.The basic block diagram of a differential pressure level instrument are:- A differential pressure (D/P) transmitter which consists of a diaphragmwith the high pressure (H/P) and low pressure (L/P) inputs on oppositesides. As the differential pressure changes, the diaphragm will move.The transducer changes this mechanical motion into an electrical signal.- An amplifier amplifies the electrical signal generated by the transducerand sends it to the level indicator.- A level indicator displays the level indication at a remote location.Rev. 0 Page 17 IC-03
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