PRESSURE DETECTION CIRCUITRYPressure DetectorsAnother type of inductance transducer, illustrated in Figure 8, utilizes two coils wound on asingle tube and is commonly referred to as a Differential Transformer.Figure 8 Differential TransformerThe primary coil is wound around the center of the tube. The secondary coil is divided with onehalf wound around each end of the tube. Each end is wound in the opposite direction, whichcauses the voltages induced to oppose one another. A core, positioned by a pressure element,is movable within the tube. When the core is in the lower position, the lower half of thesecondary coil provides the output. When the core is in the upper position, the upper half of thesecondary coil provides the output. The magnitude and direction of the output depends on theamount the core is displaced from its center position. When the core is in the mid-position, thereis no secondary output.IC-02 Page 10 Rev. 0
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