AlgebraLOGARITHMSLOGARITHMSThis chapter covers changing the base of a logarithm and solving problems withlogarithms.EO 1.6 STATE the definition of a logarithm.EO 1.7 CALCULATE the logarithm of a number.CalculatorUsage,SpecialKeysThis chapter will require the use of certain keys on a calculator to perform the necessarycalculations. An understanding of the functions of each key will make logarithms (logs) an easytask.Common Logarithm keyThis key when pressed will compute the common log (base 10) of thenumber x in the display, where x is greater than zero.Natural Logarithm keyThis key when pressed will compute the natural logarithm (base e) of thenumber x in the display, where x is greater than zero.This key when pressed before the log and ln keys will compute the anti-log of the number x in the display. When used with the log key it willraise 10 to the displayed power (107.12) and when used with the ln key willraise (e) to the displayed power (e-381).IntroductionLogarithms are exponents, as will be explained in the following sections. Before the advent ofcalculators, logarithms had great use in multiplying and dividing numbers with many digits sinceadding exponents was less work than multiplying numbers. Now they are important in nuclearwork because many laws governing physical behavior are in exponential form. Examples areradioactive decay, gamma absorption, and reactor power changes on a stable period.Rev. 0 Page 63 MA-02
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