Algebra QUADRATIC EQUATIONSTheQuadraticFormulaMany quadratic equations cannot readily be solved by either of the two techniques alreadydescribed (taking the square roots or factoring). For example, the quadratic equationx2- 6x + 4 = 0 is not a pure quadratic and, therefore, cannot be solved by taking the square roots.In addition, the left-hand side of the equation cannot readily be factored. The Quadratic Formulais a third technique for solving quadratic equations. It can be used to find the roots of anyquadratic equation.(2-8)xb ± b24ac2aEquation 2-8 is the Quadratic Formula. It states that the two roots of a quadratic equation writtenin general form, ax2 + bx + c = 0, are equal to x = andbb24ac2ax = . The Quadratic Formula should be committed to memory because it isbb24ac2asuch a useful tool for solving quadratic equations.There are three steps in solving a quadratic equation using the Quadratic Formula.Step 1. Write the equation in general form.Step 2. Substitute the values for a, b, and c into the Quadratic Formula and solvefor x.Step 3. Check the roots in the original equation.Rev. 0 Page 25 MA-02
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