Hazards of Chemicals and GasesDOE-HDBK-1015/2-93COMPRESSED GASESRev. 0CH-05Page 29Compressed Gases Summary (Cont.)The physical properties and special precautions for hydrogen include the following:It is the lightest of all elementsIt cannot be detected by any of the sensesIt has a flammable range of from 4.1 percent to 74.2 percent by volume in airIt burns with an almost invisible flameHydrogen is classified as an asphyxiant, and special precautions, such as adequateventilation and the elimination of possible sources of ignition, should be taken toprevent hydrogen accumulation. The physical properties and special precautions for nitrogen include the following:It makes up more than 78 percent of the earth's atmosphereIt will not burn or support combustionIt cannot be detected by any of the sensesIt is used to inert systems that contain, or have contained, flammable liquids orgasesIt is fairly soluble in the blood and if the dissolved nitrogen escapes from theblood in the form of small bubbles in the bloodstream, intense pain occurs andeffects are often fatalNitrogen is an asphyxiant and it could cause a serious oxygen deficiency. Specialprecautions, such as adequate ventilation, should be taken to prevent nitrogenaccumulation. The physical properties and special precautions for oxygen include the following:It supports combustion, but does not burnIgnition temperature of a combustible material is lower in enriched oxygenIt readily combines with other elements and compounds, with spontaneousignition in some casesWhen oxygen comes in contact with oil, grease, or fuel oils, it may ignite violently. Every possible precaution must be taken to prevent this combination. If pureoxygen were inhaled continuously for extended periods the reactions in the bodywould be too rapid and cause harmful effects. Finally, oxygen valves should beoperated slowly. Abruptly starting and stopping oxygen flow may ignitecontaminants in the system.
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