REFERENCESDOE-HDBK-1015/2-93Principles of Water TreatmentCH-04Rev. 0Page ivREFERENCESDonald H. Andrews and Richard J. Kokes, FundamentalChemistry, John Wiley & Sons,Inc., 1963Compressed Gas Association, Inc., HandbookofCompressedGases, 2nd Edition,Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1981.R. A. Day, Jr. and R. C. Johnson, GeneralChemistry, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1974.Dickerson, Gray, Darensbourg and Darensbourg, ChemicalPrinciples, 4th Edition, TheBenjamin Cummings Publishing Company, 1984.Academic Program for Nuclear Plant Personnel, Volume II, Chemistry, Columbia, MD,General Physics Corporation, Library of Congress Card #A 326517, 1972.General Physics Corporation, FundamentalsofChemistry, General Physics Corporation,1982.Glasstone and Sesonske, NuclearReactorEngineering, 3rd Edition, Van NostrandReinhold Company, 1981.McElroy, AccidentPreventionManualforIndustrialOperationsEngineeringandTechnology,Volume 2, 8th Edition, National Safety Council, 1980.Sienko and Plane, ChemicalPrinciplesandProperties, 2nd Edition, McGraw and Hill,1974.Underwood, ChemistryforCollegesandSchools, 2nd Edition, Edward Arnold, Ltd.,1967.Norman V. Steere and Associates, CRCHandbookofLaboratorySafety, 2nd Edition,CRC Press, Inc., 1971.
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