Principles of Water TreatmentDOE-HDBK-1015/2-93OBJECTIVESRev. 0CH-04Page vTERMINAL OBJECTIVE1.0Without references, EXPLAIN the concept and application of ion exchange in waterpurification.ENABLING OBJECTIVES1.1LISTthe three reasons for removing impurities from water prior to use in reactorsystems.1.2DEFINEthe following terms:a.Ion exchangee.Polymerb.Demineralize f.Mixed-bed demineralizerc.Cationg.Affinityd.Anionh.Decontamination factor1.3DESCRIBEthe following:a.Resin beadb.Cation resinc.Anion resin1.4DISCUSSthe following factors of ion exchange:a.Relative affinityb.Decontamination factor1.5WRITEthe reaction for removal of NaCl and CaSO by a mixed-bed ion exchanger such4as one containing HOH resin.1.6EXPLAINthe three basic methods used to remove dissolved gases from water.1.7LISTfive filtration mediums used to remove suspended solids from water.1.8EXPLAINhow mixed-bed ion exchangers may be used to control pH.
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