INTRODUCTION TO PRINT READINGDOE-HDBK-1016/1-93Introduction To Print ReadingAnatomyof a DrawingA generic engineering drawing can be divided into the following five major areas or parts.1.Title block2.Grid system3.Revision block4.Notes and legends5.Engineering drawing (graphic portion)The information contained in the drawing itself will be covered in subsequent modules. Thismodule will cover the non-drawing portions of a print. The first four parts listed above provideimportant information about the actual drawing. The ability to understand the informationcontained in these areas is as important as being able to read the drawing itself. Failure tounderstand these areas can result in improper use or the misinterpretation of the drawing.TheTitleBlockThe title block of a drawing, usually located on the bottom or lower right hand corner, containsall the information necessary to identify the drawing and to verify its validity. A title block isdivided into several areas as illustrated by Figure 1.FirstAreaof the TitleBlockThe first area of the title block contains the drawing title, the drawing number, and liststhe location, the site, or the vendor. The drawing title and the drawing number are usedfor identification and filing purposes. Usually the number is unique to the drawing andis comprised of a code that contains information about the drawing such as the site,system, and type of drawing. The drawing number may also contain information such asthe sheet number, if the drawing is part of a series, or it may contain the revision level.Drawings are usually filed by their drawing number because the drawing title may becommon to several prints or series of prints.SecondAreaof the TitleBlockThe second area of the title block contains the signatures and approval dates, whichprovide information as to when and by whom the component/system was designed andwhen and by whom the drawing was drafted and verified for final approval. Thisinformation can be invaluable in locating further data on the system/component design oroperation. These names can also help in the resolution of a discrepancy between thedrawing and another source of information.PR-01Rev. 0Page 2
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