DOE-HDBK-1016/1-93Electrical Diagrams and SchematicsELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS AND SCHEMATICSSummaryThe important information in this chapter is summarized below.Electrical Diagrams and Schematics SummaryThis chapter covered the common symbols used on electrical diagrams andschematics to represent the basic electrical components.Polarity on a transformer is defined by dots placed on the primary and secondarywindings. On the primary side, the dot indicates current in; on the secondary, thedot indicates current out.Switches, relays, and interlocked equipment commonly use dashed lines or boxesto indicate the relationship between them and other components.Electrical components, such as relays, are drawn in the de-energized state unlessotherwise noted on the diagram. Rev. 0PR-03Page 17
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