Logic DiagramsDOE-HDBK-1016/2-93TRUTH TABLES AND EXERCISESRev. 0Page 11PR-05TRUTH TABLES AND EXERCISESTruth tables offer a simple and easy to understand tool that can be used todetermine the output of any logic gate or circuit for all input combinations.EO 1.3DEVELOP the truth tables for the following logic gates:a.AND gated.NAND gateb.OR gatee.NOR gatec.NOT gatef.EXCLUSIVE OR gateEO 1.4IDENTIFY the symbols used to denote a logical 1 (or high)and a logical 0 (or low) as used in logic diagrams.EO 1.5Given a logic diagram and appropriate information,DETERMINE the output of each component and the logiccircuit.TruthTablesWhen a logic gate has only two inputs, or the logic circuit to be analyzed has only one or twogates, it is fairly easy to remember how a specific gate responds and determine the output ofthe gate or circuit. But as the number of inputs and/or the complexity of the circuit grows, itbecomes more difficult to determine the output of the gate or circuit. Truth tables, as illustratedin Figure 11, are tools designed to help solve this problem. A truth table has a column for theinput of each gate and column for the output of each gate. The number of rows needed is basedon the number of inputs, so that every combination of input signal is listed (mathematically thenumber of rows is 2 , where n = number of inputs). In truth tables, the on and off status of theninputs and outputs is represented using 0s and 1s. As previously stated 0 = off and 1 = on.Figure 11 lists truth tables for the seven basic logic gates. Compare each gate's truth table withits definition given earlier in this module, and verify for yourself that they are stating the samething.
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