OBJECTIVESDOE-HDBK-1017/1-93Properties of MetalsENABLING OBJECTIVES (Cont.)1.9Given the values of the associated material properties, CALCULATE the elongation ofa material using Hooke's Law.1.10DEFINEthe following terms:a.Bulk Modulusb.Fracture point1.11Given stress-strain curves for ductile and brittle material, IDENTIFY the followingspecific points on a stress-strain curve.a.Proportional limitb.Yield pointc.Ultimate strengthd.Fracture point1.12Given a stress-strain curve, IDENTIFYwhether the type of material represented is ductileor brittle.1.13Given a stress-strain curve, INTERPRET a stress-strain curve for the following: a.Application of Hooke's Lawb.Elastic regionc.Plastic region1.14DEFINEthe following terms:a.Strengthb.Ultimate tensile strengthc.Yield strengthd.Ductilitye.Malleabilityf.Toughnessg.Hardness1.15IDENTIFYhow slip effects the strength of a metal.MS-02Page viiiRev. 0
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