Miscellaneous Mechanical ComponentsDOE-HDBK-1018/2-93OBJECTIVESENABLING OBJECTIVES (Cont.)1.11STATE the purpose of a demineralizer.1.12STATE the four purposes of a pressurizer.1.13DEFINE the following terms attributable to a dynamic pressurizer:a.Spray nozzlec.Outsurgeb.Insurged.Surge volume1.14STATE the purpose and general operation of a steam trap.1.15IDENTIFY the following types of steam traps:a.Ball float steam trapc.Bucket steam trapb.Bellow steam trapd.Impulse steam trap1.16DESCRIBE each of the following types of strainers and filters, including an example oftypical use.a.Cartridge filtersd.Bucket strainerb.Precoated filterse.Duplex strainerc.Deep-bed filters1.17EXPLAIN the application and operation of a strainer or filter backwash.Rev. 0Page ixME-05
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