VALVE ACTUATORSDOE-HDBK-1018/2-93ValvesSelf-ActuatedValvesSelf-actuated valves use the systemFigure 35 Solenoid Actuated Valvefluid to position the valve. Reliefvalves, safety valves, checkvalves, and steam traps areexamples of self-actuated valves.All of these valves use somecharacteristic of the system fluid toactuate the valve. No source ofpower outside the system fluidenergy is necessary for operationof these valves.SolenoidActuatedValvesSolenoid actuated valves providefor automatic open-close valvepositioning as illustrated inFigure 35. Most solenoid actuatedvalves also have a manual overridethat permits manual positioning ofthe valve for as long as theoverride is manually positioned.Solenoids position the valve byattracting a magnetic slug attachedto the valve stem. In singlesolenoid valves, spring pressureacts against the motion of the slugwhen power is applied to thesolenoid. These valves can be arranged such that power to the solenoid either opens or closesthe valve. When power to the solenoid is removed, the spring returns the valve to the oppositeposition. Two solenoids can be used to provide for both opening and closing by applying powerto the appropriate solenoid.Single solenoid valves are termed fail open or fail closed depending on the position of the valvewith the solenoid de-energized. Fail open solenoid valves are opened by spring pressure andclosed by energizing the solenoid. Fail closed solenoid valves are closed by spring pressure andopened by energizing the solenoid. Double solenoid valves typically fail "as is." That is, thevalve position does not change when both solenoids are de-energized.One application of solenoid valves is in air systems such as those used to supply air to pneumaticvalve actuators. The solenoid valves are used to control the air supply to the pneumatic actuatorand thus the position of the pneumatic actuated valve.ME-04Rev. 0Page 48
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