REACTOR KINETICSDOE-HDBK-1019/2-93Reactor Theory (Reactor Operations)NP-04Rev. 0Page 10REACTOR KINETICSThe response of neutron flux and reactor power to changes in reactivity is muchdifferent in a critical reactor than in a subcritical reactor. The reliance of the chainreaction on delayed neutrons makes the rate of change of reactor powercontrollable. EO 2.1DEFINE the following terms:a.Reactor periodb.Doubling timec.Reactor startup rateEO 2.2DESCRIBE the relationship between the delayed neutronfraction, average delayed neutron fraction, and effective delayedneutron fraction.EO 2.3WRITE the period equation and IDENTIFY each symbol.EO 2.4Given the reactivity of the core and values for the effectiveaverage delayed neutron fraction and decay constant,CALCULATE the reactor period and the startup rate.EO 2.5Given the initial power level and either the doubling or halvingtime, CALCULATE the power at any later time.EO 2.6Given the initial power level and the reactor period,CALCULATE the power at any later time.EO 2.7EXPLAIN what is meant by the terms prompt drop and prompt jump.EO 2.8DEFINE the term prompt critical.EO 2.9DESCRIBE reactor behavior during the prompt criticalcondition.EO 2.10EXPLAIN the use of measuring reactivity in units of dollars.
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