OBJECTIVESDOE-HDBK-1019/2-93Reactor Theory (Nuclear Parameters)TERMINAL OBJECTIVE2.0From memory, EXPLAIN how reactivity varies with the thermodynamic properties ofthe moderator and the fuel.ENABLING OBJECTIVES2.1EXPLAINthe conditions of over moderation and under moderation.2.2EXPLAINwhy many reactors are designed to be operated in an under moderatedcondition.2.3STATEthe effect that a change in moderator temperature will have on the moderator tofuel ratio.2.4DEFINEthe temperature coefficient of reactivity.2.5EXPLAINwhy a negative temperature coefficient of reactivity is desirable.2.6EXPLAINwhy the fuel temperature coefficient is more effective than the moderatortemperature coefficient in terminating a rapid power rise.2.7EXPLAIN the concept of Doppler broadening of resonance absorption peaks.2.8LISTtwo nuclides that are present in some types of reactor fuel assemblies that havesignificant resonance absorption peaks.2.9DEFINEthe pressure coefficient of reactivity.2.10EXPLAINwhy the pressure coefficient of reactivity is usually negligible in a reactorcooled and moderated by a subcooled liquid.2.11DEFINEthe void coefficient of reactivity.2.12IDENTIFYthe moderator conditions under which the void coefficient of reactivitybecomes significant.NP-03Page viiiRev. 0
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