OBJECTIVESDOE-HDBK-1019/2-93Reactor Theory (Nuclear Parameters)TERMINAL OBJECTIVE4.0Without references, DESCRIBE the effects of fission product poisons on a reactor.ENABLING OBJECTIVES4.1LIST two methods of production and two methods of removal for xenon-135 duringreactor operation.4.2STATEthe equation for equilibrium xenon-135 concentration.4.3DESCRIBEhow equilibrium xenon-135 concentration varies with reactor power level.4.4DESCRIBEthe causes and effects of a xenon oscillation.4.5DESCRIBEhow xenon-135 concentration changes following a reactor shutdown fromsteady-state conditions.4.6EXPLAINthe effect that pre-shutdown power levels have on the xenon-135concentration after shutdown.4.7STATEthe approximate time following a reactor shutdown at which the reactor can beconsidered "xenon free."4.8EXPLAINwhat is meant by the following terms:a.Xenon precluded startupb.Xenon dead time4.9DESCRIBEhow xenon-135 concentration changes following an increase or a decreasein the power level of a reactor.4.10DESCRIBEhow samarium-149 is produced and removed from the reactor core duringreactor operation.4.11STATEthe equation for equilibrium samarium-149 concentration.4.12DESCRIBEhow equilibrium samarium-149 concentration varies with reactor powerlevel.NP-03Page xRev. 0
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