Basic DC Theory BASIC DC CIRCUIT CALCULATIONSBASIC DC CIRCUIT CALCULATIONSEach type of DC circuit contains certain characteristics that determine the wayits voltage and current behave. To begin analysis of the voltages and currents ateach part of a circuit, an understanding of these characteristics is necessary.EO 1.7 Given a circuit, CALCULATE total resistance for aseries or parallel circuit.EO 1.8 DESCRIBE what is meant by the term "voltagedivider."EO 1.9 DESCRIBE what is meant by the term "currentdivision."SeriesResistanceThe total resistance in a series circuit is equal to the sum of all the parts of that circuit, as shownin equation (2-3).RT = R1 + R2 + R3 ... etc. (2-3)whereRT= resistance totalR1, R2, and R3= resistance in seriesExample: A series circuit has a 60W, a 100W, and a 150W resistor in series (Figure 18).What is the total resistance of the circuit?Solution:RT= R1 + R2 + R3= 60 + 100 + 150= 310 WRev. 0 Page 23 ES-02
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