DC CIRCUIT TERMINOLOGYBasic DC TheoryTABLE 2Temperature Coefficients for Various MaterialsTemperatureMaterialCoefficient, W per°CAluminum 0.004Carbon -0.0003Constantan 0 (avg)Copper 0.004Gold 0.004Iron 0.006Nichrome 0.0002Nickel 0.005For a given material, a may vary with temperature; therefore, charts are often used to describehow resistance of a material varies with temperature.An increase in resistance can be approximated from equation (2-2).(2-2)RtRoRo(aDT)whereRt= higher resistance at higher temperaturesRo= resistance at 20oCa= temperature coefficientDT = temperature rise above 20oCElectricCircuitEach electrical circuit has at least four basic parts: (1) a source of electromotive force,(2) conductors, (3) load or loads, and (4) some means of control. In Figure 13, the source ofEMF is the battery; the conductors are wires which connect the various component parts; theresistor is the load; and a switch is used as the circuit control device.ES-02 Page 18 Rev. 0
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