DC CIRCUIT TERMINOLOGY Basic DC TheoryDC CIRCUIT TERMINOLOGYBefore operations with DC circuits can be studied, an understanding of the typesof circuits and common circuit terminology associated with circuits is essential.EO 1.4 Given a diagram, IDENTIFY it as one of the followingtypes:a. Schematic diagramb. One-line diagramc. Block diagramd. Wiring diagramEO 1.5 DEFINE the following terms:a. Resistivityb. Temperature coefficient of resistancec. Closed circuitd. Open circuite. Short circuitf. Series circuitg. Parallel circuith. Equivalent resistanceEO 1.6 Given a circuit, DETERMINE whether the circuit is anopen circuit or a closed circuit.SchematicDiagramSchematic diagrams are the standard means by which we communicate information in electricaland electronics circuits. On schematic diagrams, the component parts are represented by graphicsymbols, some of which were presented earlier in Module 1. Because graphic symbols are small,it is possible to have diagrams in a compact form. The symbols and associated lines show howcircuit components are connected and the relationship of those components with one another.As an example, let us look at a schematic diagram of a two-transistor radio circuit (Figure 9).This diagram, from left to right, shows the components in the order they are used to convertradio waves into sound energy. By using this diagram it is possible to trace the operation of thecircuit from beginning to end. Due to this important feature of schematic diagrams, they arewidely used in construction, maintenance, and servicing of all types of electronic circuits.ES-02 Page 12 Rev. 0
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