Electrical Distribution Systems CIRCUIT BREAKERSCIRCUIT BREAKERSA circuit breaker is a device that is used to completely disconnect a circuit whenany abnormal condition exists. The circuit breaker can be designed to actuateunder any undesirable condition.EO 1.3 STATE the purpose of circuit breakers.EO 1.4 Given a simple schematic of a circuit breaker controlcircuit, DESCRIBE the operation of that breakerduring remote operation and automatic tripping.EO 1.5 LIST the three most widely-used protective featuresthat may be incorporated into a circuit breakercontrol circuit.IntroductionFigure 4 Molded Case Circuit BreakerThe purpose of a circuit breaker is to break the circuit and stop the current flow when the currentexceeds a predetermined value without causing damage to the circuit or the circuit breaker.Circuit breakers are commonly used in place of fuses and sometimes eliminate the need for aswitch. A circuit breaker differsfrom a fuse in that it "trips" to breakthe circuit and may be reset, while afuse melts and must be replaced.Air circuit breakers (ACBs) arebreakers where the interruption ofthe breaker contacts takes place in anair environment. Oil circuit breakers(OCBs) use oil to quench the arcwhen the breaker contacts open.Low-Voltage AirCircuitBreakersA low-voltage circuit breaker is onewhich is suited for circuits rated at600 volts or lower. One of the mostcommonly used low-voltage aircircuit breakers is the molded casecircuit breaker (Figure 4).Rev. 0 Page 7 ES-15
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