MOTOR CONTROLLERSElectrical Distribution SystemsFigure 11 Magnetic Contactor AssemblyMotorControllerTypesandOperationWithin the two basic categories of motor controllers, there are three major types of AC across-the-line controllers in use today. There are low-voltage protection (LVP), low-voltage release(LVR), and low-voltage release effect (LVRE) controllers.The main purpose of an LVP controller isFigure 12 LVP Controllerto de-energize the motor in a low voltagecondition and keep it from re-startingautomatically upon return of normal voltage(Figure 12).LVP Controller Operation:1. Push the START button, whichenergizes contactor coil M, closingthe M and Ma contacts. When theSTART button is released, thecircuit will remain complete,because the Ma contact remainsclosed, shunting the open startswitch.ES-15 Page 18 Rev. 0
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