AC MotorsAC MOTOR THEORYTorqueProductionWhen alternating current is appliedFigure 3 Induction Motorto the stator windings of an ACinduction motor, a rotatingmagnetic field is developed. Therotating magnetic field cuts thebars of the rotor and induces acurrent in them due to generatoraction. The direction of thiscurrent flow can be found usingthe left-hand rule for generators.This induced current will producea magnetic field, opposite inpolarity of the stator field, aroundthe conductors of the rotor, whichwill try to line up with themagnetic field of the stator. Sincethe stator field is rotatingcontinuously, the rotor cannot lineup with, or lock onto, the statorfield and, therefore, must followbehind it (Figure 3).SlipIt is virtually impossible for the rotor of an AC induction motor to turn at the same speed as thatof the rotating magnetic field. If the speed of the rotor were the same as that of the stator, norelative motion between them would exist, and there would be no induced EMF in the rotor.(Recall from earlier modules that relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field isneeded to induce a current.) Without this induced EMF, there would be no interaction of fieldsto produce motion. The rotor must, therefore, rotate at some speed less than that of the statorif relative motion is to exist between the two.The percentage difference between the speed of the rotor and the speed of the rotating magneticfield is called slip. The smaller the percentage, the closer the rotor speed is to the rotatingmagnetic field speed. Percent slip can be found by using Equation (12-1).(12-1)SLIPNSNRNSx 100%Rev. 0 Page 5 ES-12
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