LEVEL DETECTORSLevel DetectorsMagneticBondMethodFigure 7 Magnetic Bond DetectorThe magnetic bond method was developed toovercome the problems of cages and stuffingboxes. The magnetic bond mechanism consists ofa magnetic float which rises and falls withchanges in level. The float travels outside of anon-magnetic tube which houses an inner magnetconnected to a level indicator. When the floatrises and falls, the outer magnet will attract theinner magnet, causing the inner magnet to followthe level within the vessel (Figure 7).ConductivityProbeMethodFigure 8 illustrates a conductivity probe leveldetection system. It consists of one or more leveldetectors, an operating relay, and a controller.When the liquid makes contact with any of theelectrodes, an electric current will flow between the electrode and ground. The current energizesa relay which causes the relay contacts to open or close depending on the state of the processinvolved. The relay in turn will actuate an alarm, a pump, a control valve, or all three. A typicalsystem has three probes: a low level probe, a high level probe, and a high level alarm probe.Figure 8 Conductivity Probe Level Detection SystemIC-03 Page 6 Rev. 0
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