Process Controls CONTROL LOOP DIAGRAMSCONTROL LOOP DIAGRAMSA loop diagram is a "roadmap" that traces process fluids through the system anddesignates variables that can disrupt the balance of the system.EO 1.2 DESCRIBE the operation of a control loop diagramincluding the following components:a. Controlled systemb. Controlled elementsc. Feedback elementsd. Reference pointe. Controlled outputf. Feedback signalg. Actuating signalh. Manipulated variablei. DisturbanceEO 1.3 EXPLAIN how capacitance, resistance, andtransportation time affect a control system’s lag time.TerminologyA block diagram is a pictorial representation of the cause and effect relationship between theinput and output of a physical system. A block diagram provides a means to easily identify thefunctional relationships among the various components of a control system.The simplest form of a block diagram is the block and arrows diagram. It consists of a singleblock with one input and one output (Figure 5A). The block normally contains the name of theelement (Figure 5B) or the symbol of a mathematical operation (Figure 5C) to be performed onthe input to obtain the desired output. Arrows identify the direction of information or signalflow.Rev. 0 Page 7 IC-07
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