MATRICES AND DETERMINANTSHigher Concepts of MathematicsA matrix with only a single row or a single column is called either a row or a column matrix.A matrix which has the same number of rows as columns is called a square matrix. Examplesof matrices and their dimensions are as follows:1 7 62 4 82 x 31 76 23 53 x 23213 x 1We will use capital letters to describe matrices. We will also include subscripts to give thedimensions.A2×31 3 35 6 7Two matrices are said to be equal if, and only if, they have the same dimensions, and theircorresponding elements are equal. The following are all equal matrices:0 12 40 12 4011634AdditionofMatricesMatrices may only be added if they both have the same dimensions. To add two matrices, eachelement is added to its corresponding element. The sum matrix has the same dimensions as thetwo being added.MA-05 Page 18 Rev. 0
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