WATER PURITYDOE-HDBK-1015/2-93Principles of Water TreatmentCH-04Rev. 0Page 28WATER PURITYThe fewer the contaminants in water, the less corrosion takes place. The methodsof water treatment have been explored previously. This chapter discusses howwater purity is quantified. Measuring the purity helps to keep treatment effective.EO 1.10LIST the maximum conductivity and approximateconcentration of electrolyte for each level of purity formakeup water.WaterPurityThe water used in a nuclear facility must be of a purity level that is consistent with the overallobjectives of chemistry control in the facility.There are a number of ways in which pure water is obtained, including distillation systems andpretreatment systems similar to those mentioned earlier in this module. Regardless of themethod employed, the required purity must be achieved.Water purity has been defined in many different ways, but one generally accepted definitionstates that high purity water is water that has been distilled and/or de-ionized so that it willhave a specific resistance of 500,000 ohms (2.0 micromhos conductivity) or greater. Thisdefinition is satisfactory as a base to work from, but for more critical requirements, thebreakdown shown in Table 3 has been suggested to express degrees of purity.TABLE 3Water PurityDegree of PurityMaximum ConductivityApproximate Concentration(µmhos/cm)of Electrolyte, mg/1Pure102 - 5Very Pure10.2 - 0.5Ultrapure0.10.01 - 0.02Theoretically Pure0.0540.00
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