EFFECT DUE TO NEUTRON CAPTUREDOE-HDBK-1017/2-93Plant MaterialsSummaryThe important information in this chapter is summarized below.Effect Due To Neutron Capture SummaryDislocation of an atom due to emission of radiationHighly energetic recoil nuclei are produced indirectly by the absorptionof a neutron and subsequent emission of a g-ray . When the g-ray isemitted, the atom recoils due to the reaction of the nucleus to the g-ray'smomentum (conservation of momentum).Effects from captureIntroduction of impurity atom due to the transmutation of the absorbingnucleus.Atomic displacement due to recoil atoms or knock-onsThermal neutrons cannot produce displacements directly, but can indirectly as aresult of radiative capture and other neutron reactions or elastic scattering.MS-05Page 44Rev. 0
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