EFFECT DUE TO NEUTRON CAPTUREDOE-HDBK-1017/2-93Plant MaterialsFigure 4Qualitative Representation of NeutronIrradiation Effect on Many MetalsFor stainless steel exposed to a thermal reactor fluence of 1021neutrons/cm2, the tensileproperties show some increase in ultimate strength (tensile strength), an almost threefold gainin the yield strength, and a drop of about one third in ductility (elongation), as shown inTable 2.The Nil-Ductility Transition (NDT) temperature, which is the temperature at which a given metalchanges from ductile to brittle fracture, is often markedly increased by neutron irradiation. Theincrease in the NDT temperature is one of the most important effects of irradiation from thestandpoint of nuclear power system design. For economic reasons, the large core pressurevessels of large power reactors have been constructed of low carbon steels. The loss of ductility and increase in the NDT temperature of these vessels is a primary concernto reactor designers because of the increased chance of brittle fracture. Brittle fracture of amaterial is a failure occurring by crystal cleavage and accompanied by essentially no yielding.A brittle fracture of a pressure vessel resembles the shattering of glass. Since such a failurewould be disastrous, it is necessary to understand the brittle fracture mechanism. During normalreactor operation, the pressure-vessel steel is subject to increasing fluence of fast neutrons and,as a result, the NDT temperature increases steadily. The NDT temperature is not likely toincrease sufficiently to approach the temperature of the steel in the pressure vessel. However,as the reactor is being cooled down, the temperature of the vessel may drop below the NDTvalue while the reactor vessel is still pressurized. Brittle fracture might then occur.MS-05Page 40Rev. 0
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