PumpsDOE-HDBK-1018/1-93CENTRIFUGAL PUMPSDiffuserFigure 3 Centrifugal Pump DiffuserSome centrifugal pumps containdiffusers. A diffuser is a set ofstationary vanes that surround theimpeller. The purpose of thediffuser is to increase theefficiency of the centrifugal pumpby allowing a more gradualexpansion and less turbulent areafor the liquid to reduce in velocity.The diffuser vanes are designed ina manner that the liquid exiting theimpeller will encounter an ever-increasing flow area as it passesthrough the diffuser. This increasein flow area causes a reduction inflow velocity, converting kineticenergy into flow pressure. ImpellerClassificationImpellers of pumps are classifiedFigure 4 Single-Suction and Double-Suction Impellersbased on the number of points thatthe liquid can enter the impellerand also on the amount ofwebbing between the impellerblades. Impellers can be either single-suction or double-suction. Asingle-suction impeller allowsliquid to enter the center of theblades from only one direction. Adouble-suction impeller allowsliquid to enter the center of theimpeller blades from both sidessimultaneously. Figure 4 showssimplified diagrams of single anddouble-suction impellers.Rev. 0ME-03Page 3
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