COOLING TOWERSDOE-HDBK-1018/2-93Miscellaneous Mechanical ComponentsCOOLING TOWERSIn an effort to lower costs and meet new environmental regulations, companies aredeveloping new ways to do things. One of the developments which meets bothcost decrease and environmental awareness is the cooling tower. This chapter willsummarize the advantages of cooling towers and how they function.EO 1.9STATE the purpose of cooling towers.EO 1.10DESCRIBE the operation of the following types of coolingtowers:a.Forced draftb.Natural convectionPurposeBefore the development of cooling towers, rivers, lakes, and cooling ponds were required tosupply cooling. Through the development of the mechanical draft cooling tower, as little as onesquare foot of area is needed for every 1000 square feet required for a cooling pond or lake.Cooling towers minimize the thermal pollution of the natural water heat sinks and allow thereuse of circulating water. An example of the manner in which a cooling tower can fit into asystem is shown in Figure 10.Figure 10 Cooling System Containing Cooling TowerME-05Rev. 0Page 18
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